Children's Art as a Interior Design Feature

At Deb Reinhart Interior Design Group, we love featuring  interior design information for children's rooms!   Today we are featuring a guest blog post by Karen Barnett of Olee Kids.  We hope you enjoy this article about decorating your child's room with the feature element being art! Bring out the artist in your child!

A simple saying on the wall can be a focal point in a room like this quote from Pablo Picasso. Bring out the artist in your child by hanging their artwork from a clothesline, or purchase a dry erase board or chalkboard so that they can color or write messages. Frame a few extra special pieces and build an entire room around an artistic theme. Consider making each wall a different color, and use your child’s handprints to really make the space unique.

At Olee Kids, we know how fast children grow, and for that reason, we offer a complete line of affordable and removable wall decals that can be changed in a snap!

All of these items, and many more can be purchased at We also offer custom designs, and can make a life-size wall graphic out of your digital photograph. Enjoy each and every stage of your child’s development.

Happy decorating!